Powered by Clean Energy’s Redeem RNG, Overseas Freight Deploys the First Commercial Near-Zero Trucks at Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (Nasdaq: CLNE) announced it will supply Redeem™ renewable natural gas (RNG) to intermodal trucking company Overseas Freight as part of an emissions reduction initiative in the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.
In preparation for upcoming regulations outlined in the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP), Overseas Freight obtained Prop 1B funding for five Kenworth T-680 trucks outfitted with the new Cummins-Westport (CWI) near-zero ISX12N natural gas engine, which achieves the lowest emission levels in North America while delivering diesel caliber performance with reliability and durability. The ISX12N is certified by California Air Resources Board (CARB) to reduce smog-forming NOx emissions by 90 percent compared to the current engine standard.
“America Lung Association State of the Air Report cited Los Angeles and Long Beach with having the worst air quality in the state. Overseas Freight is taking a positive step forward in reducing air pollution in the region by deploying the cleanest truck technology that can be easily and economically adopted,” said Greg Roche, vice president, Clean Energy.
Overseas Freight has contracted for RNG fuel through the Clean Energy Redeem $1 Deal, which guarantees a fixed fuel price of one dollar per gallon for a year. Redeem allows customers to achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 70 percent versus diesel. Organically sourced from dairy and landfill waste, Redeem is the cleanest commercially available fuel for trucking, with some RNG sources even reducing GHG emissions by over 100 percent.
“We’re pleased to be part of an effort to help improve air quality in the LA and Long Beach ports and support CAAP in fostering more sustainable freight movement,” said Joseph Wang, president and CEO, Overseas Freight. “Clean Energy has been a good partner for years and we are excited to use Redeem at a price far below diesel. South Coast AQMD made this project possible with vital grant funding and we deeply appreciate their support.”
“The twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are vital economic engines for this region, but at the same time are the largest source of air pollution in Southern California,” said Wayne Nastri, executive officer, South Coast Air Quality Management District. “We applaud Overseas Freight for adopting a near-zero natural gas solution and AQMD is proud to support the effort with Prop 1B grant funding.”
About Clean Energy
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. is the leading provider of natural gas fuel and renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel for transportation in the United States and Canada, with a network of approximately 530 stations across North America that we own or operate. We build and operate compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas stations (LNG) stations and deliver more CNG, LNG and RNG vehicle fuel than any other company in the United States. Clean Energy sells Redeem™ RNG fuel and believes it is the cleanest transportation fuel commercially available, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 70%. Clean Energy owns natural gas liquification facilities in California and Texas which produces LNG for the transportation and other markets. For more information, visit www.CleanEnergyFuels.com.
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Raleigh Gerber
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